Sunday, 5 December 2010

End of Life Assistance Bill and PCOS Discussed

This week the Scottish Government voted overwhelmingly against the End of Life Assistance Bill in parliament. It's interesting that when I started at medical school 6 years ago, euthanasia was a topical subject, and it still is today. As with many difficult ethical dilemmas, no doubt this is a subject which will come up time and time again over the next 100 years. The End of Life Assistance Bill was thoroughly studied and discussed by an ethical board consisting of doctors, legal experts, religious groups and experts from countries where end of life assistance has been legalised, such as in the Netherlands. I think it is possible to see where the arguments FOR the bill exist ie. not to prolong suffering, beneficence (doing good) etc. However I believe that there are few doctors out there who would agree to be involved in the process of assisting someone to die. The main reasons why the bill was rejected were because of a fear of how the system could be abused and the doubt as to whether there really was any need to change the current system. I'm going to sit on the fence with this one as I don't think there are good enough arguments for either side to have a majority. Besides, sometimes sitting on the fence is the best place to take a good look at the bigger picture.

When the post did finally arrive today for the first time in over a week, one of the things which dropped through the letterbox was this month's student BMJ. The editorial and center articles were about the shortage of jobs predicted for foundation programme applicants this year. We find out on Wednesday this week how we got on in our applications so fingers crossed for a good score. There were a couple of interesting edicational articles such as this one on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. This condition is the commonest cause of anovulatory infertility in women and affects up to 10% of women of reproductive age therefore it is common. There are several pathological abnormalities in the condition such as abnormal ovarian morphology, insulin resistance and increased androgenicity. It is recognised as a diagnosis of exclusion. Patients with clinical features matching the condition should have other endocrine abnormalities ruled out such as Cushing's syndrome and adrenal hyperplasia. The management of the condition is complex and requires consideration of subfertility, metabolic consequences such as diabetes and obesity, and symptoms of hyperandrogenism.

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